
Hi there! Here you'll learn about all of my learning experiences at my internship, and my adventures in and around San Diego. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Social Media 101: Crash-Course in Blogging

Kale chips!
One thing that I'm really enjoying about this internship is that I get to learn from experts. These men and women are not necessarily internationally known in their fields - they are merely in J4J's network of young entrepreneurs. On Friday I got to have separate meetings with Matt and Nicolette, two people who have tons of experience in marketing and product launches. Matt helped us put the Justice In Motion campaign in perspective and gave tips about how to use programs like HootSuite (I've heard of it but never used it) and WordPress (another blog format) in order to reach our followers and program participants in the most highly effective way. Nicolette, who is also trained in raindrop therapy, helped us brainstorm ideas about video marketing and how to use our short timeframe in the best way possible. The cool thing is that I haven't actually real-life blogged before this summer, and I get to do it in more than one way! In addition to updating this blog, I will be launching a daily Pre-Season Pump Up for Justice In Motion next week for participants of the training program. I will be using HootSuite to program in daily articles having to do with nutrition, health, fitness, inspiration/motivation, and overall wellness. In total, I will be responsible for about 6 weeks worth of material (wow), including "booking" guest contributors for the blog! The season goes until November 4th so my hope is someone will continue this blog after I leave. Another thing I have to start thinking about is my senior project. With the approval of the department, my hope is to bring a 1-2 day event to Clark based on an event that Jeans 4 Justice actually came out of. It is a combination of an art gallery, a fashion show, and hopefully a few workshops all to raise awareness for sexual assault prevention. It will take place in April and my plan is to have support of CAVE (Clark Anti-Violence Education), Humanities, and support of basically the whole campus. Definitely more to come on that in the future.
New projects keep popping up every few days so I'm looking forward to a really interesting and fulfilling experience at Jeans 4 Justice. Before I end this post, I guess I have established a pattern of talking about food in this blog. On Friday night, I checked out this pizza place, Pizza Port and got a Pizza Carlsbad, which used pesto instead of sauce, artichoke hearts, sun-dried tomatoes, mozzarella, chicken, and feta...more or less one of the tastiest pizzas I've ever had. Today at the farmer's market I bought fingerling potatoes (which I've had but never made), more almonds, peaches and strawberries.
On that note, Happy Father's Day!
Such a cool office.

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